GARDANT is committed to not only participating in events and community service endeavors but is also committed to leading. Through its’ ENVIRONESS ™ initiative, GARDANT leads by providing education, assessment and new technology implementation of Green Computing and Green environmentally sensitive infrastructure to communities and locations both locally and on a global basis.
GARDANT’s community service support has included Little League sponsorship, Soccer club sponsorship, participation in a variety of American Teleservices “Call Centers Care” events including working at the DC Area Food Bank and Habitat for Humanity. Gardant also provides financial support to Kids in Distress and is dedicated to the mentoring of young executives through the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association (AFCEA) Young AFCEA Mentor Protégé event.
To have Gardant work with you and your organization please contact our Corporate office and leave a message for our Community Relations Coordinator.
“GARDANT working the DC community Foodbank volunteering for a better world.” April 2010